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Processual diagram MUMBAI


Processual diagram Mumbai


© Ingrid Sabatier, Stephan Schwarz, 2012

How to read the processual diagrams


The layers of the STADTSCHAUM – processual digrams

Orientation in the processual diagrams
Informal and improvised urban practices and spaces are explored by means of scrutinizing their implications as actors of the city’s production of urban space. Due regard is taken to the respective social and historical context of the city and the associated urban crisis situations.

Process-driven development
The process-driven development unveils and demonstrates the different connections between various informal and improvised practices and spaces of the city. This is where a myriad of narratives converge, intersect and spread again. Following the plethora of different narrative strands will allow visitors  to bring urban spaces and practices to life and follow their stories.

Various forms of informal and improvised practices and spaces of the city are illustrated both verbally and visually and elucidated as to their origins, their core and essence, their particularities as well as different angles they can be looked at. The collection shall make the variety of informal and improvised practices and spaces visible.

Just as any dynamic process, informal and improvised urban practices and spaces trigger reactions, reaching from resistance and rejection to mere acceptance to attempts to utilize them constructively. This section shall describe various reactions and their relation to informal and improvised urban practices, out of which they evolve.

Urban crisis situations 
Social, economical, ecological and cultural urban crisis situations and the socio-historical context have strong bearings on the emergence and evolution of informal and improvised practices and spaces of the city. These again, can trigger urban crisis situations. These interconnections and interdependences shall be highlighted in this section.

Tapestry of relations and interactions
Informal and improvised urban practices and spaces do not only correlate with each other, but are in permanent interaction with the city as a whole. This dynamic and constantly evolving interrelation can and should be incessantly augmented and refined. The contradictory reading directions of the processual diagrams rise questions without obvious answers, questions about the future of the city, questions inquiring into which city we actually want. These questions shall prompt people to reconsider their own actions and opportunities to shape their city.

© Ingrid Sabatier, Stephan Schwarz, 2012

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Doodle Jump 3.11.30 by Lima Sky LLC

Doodle Jump 3.11.30 by Lima Sky LLC

Doodle Jump 3.11.30 by Lima Sky LLC

Doodle Jump 3.11.30 by Lima Sky LLC

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